Welcome to MathAnimations.net!

We’re kicking off a new site and will be adding HTML5 web tools for teaching various topics in mathematics (as well as translating some of the old Flash animations).

Linear Algebra

The Linear Systems Explorer allows interactive row-reduction of [augmented] matrices, useful both for demonstrations and student practice.

Sample linear system animation

Logic & Sets

For starters we have the Venn Diagram Explorer, with which you can:

  • Demonstrate Venn diagrams for basic set and logical constructions (press [S] or [L] to switch, and press [!] to negate), with the names updated as you click to shade/unshade regions in the diagram.
  • Get quizzed (pressing [Space] to continue):
    • Draw the Venn diagram for a set or logical construction.
    • Determine what expression is pictured by a given Venn diagram for sets or logic (reveal answer via [Space]).


The foundation for our upcoming graph animations is the basic Graph Explorer introduced here.


A tool for visualizing presenting the steps of Dijkstra’s Distance/Shortest Path Tree Algorithm, useful both for class demonstrations and for student exploration at their own pace.


A tool for visualizing presenting the steps of Prim’s Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithm and arguing its correctness, useful both for class demonstrations and for student exploration at their own pace.

Finite Automata

A tool for exploring both deterministic and nondeterministic finite automata, both for students and instructors, is now online here; this is brand new, and most of the kinks are worked out now, but please get in touch if you note any issues or have any suggestions!

Nondeterministic Push-Down Automata

A tool for exploring nondeterministic push-down automata, both for students and instructors, is now online here; please note that we take the (equivalent) approach of several different state types, which makes these a little cleaner to draw and think about!

Context-Free Grammars

A tool for working with derivation trees and context-free grammars (CFG’s) is available here; full instructions coming soon!

For now, you enter your grammar in the URL, starting with ?, using - for → , and & to separate productions; e.g. for the CFG shown at the right: 


  • Use [←] and [→] to move among the nonterminals
  • Use [↑] and [↓] to highlight a production, and press [Enter] to apply it
  • Press [Z] to undo
  • Press [alt]-[T] to get the tree view